Monday, June 30, 2008


I went to the Toy and Comic convention on Sunday and I now have a hole in my pocket.
But I not have a Cerberus replica! *laughs evilly* Aint it pretty. I'm still wondering if i should unbox it.

On another note, I found a comic shop that stocks the "Rising Stars" comic. Like BEST COMIC EVAR.

Cons are crowded stuffy jostling places of compressed happiness

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Social Displacement

Its weird.
You want to fit in, but your not sure how.
People try to fit you in, but you run.
You want to change, but your not sure if you should.

Sometime you just feel socially displaced in a group and it sucks.
You wonder what your doing wrong.
You feel your friends are occupied and you dont want to disturb them
You wonder what the hell your doing there

It just sucks

OMG cosfest in one week! I NEED TO BE PAINTING

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Worst day evar

Crater sucked.
May not get off before cosfest.
Came home to sucky food.
Mum got angry when i tried joking with her.
Life sucks.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Level Up

110608 xp gained!


Expand "Crater Repair" skill tree?

You have learnt "Hot Asphalt"

Ability Info:
You are now able to use blazing hot black chemical rocks in crater repair.Hardens into a flat surface if cast effectively.

MP cost: High
Casting time: Long
Status induced: Poison by fumes & Melting footwear

yeah, i did my first hot asphalt today

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Its was my off day yesterday and i got a fever...A FEVER.... its like the ultimate illness to report sick for, syn toms are constant and detectable, sure to get mc for it... and i get it on my off day... Gawds

so anyway, today was a mess of the cold, head rattling in my skull, and lethargy... lousy day

Sunday, June 8, 2008


My portfolio is up !
Ok less talky more pictures

Obsession with death fiction

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hide and go seek

The point of hide and seek is to be found. Theres no point in being a perfect hider. It just spoils your fun. The seeker is not actually the role people actually want to have in the game, but seemingly, it is the most fun (and exasperating) at times. The only interaction is between the seeker and the people's that found. Other than that if you are hider, most of your game is spent alone in some dark corner. The better you are at that, the more alone you are. Simply put utilizing your skill requires you to be alone.

Socially, its similar to life. If your the best hider, you alone but what you produce is great. If your the best seeker, your art is in performance and people see you as you work. People see the whole time the person is seeking but the only see the time when the hider is found.

Food and glue on hands = poison